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Broadway has been at the centre of culture in Nottingham since 1990.


We're that cinema where Tarantino held secret premieres, where Shane Meadows told stories of the Midlands, and where filmmakers from across the world meet.

We're that cinema where first dates happen, where you take a chance on international film, where you talk with that director who means so much to you.

We’re also that cinema that faces a challenging future due to the fast rise in operating costs and slow return of audiences. But we know that we can survive these threats and continue bringing you the best in UK and world cinema if we continue to receive your support.  

How can I support Broadway?


  • Donate to Broadway. Any financial donation you can give us below is welcomed 

  • Become a Member. Your membership gives you several exclusive benefits and you’ll be supporting your local independent cinema

  • Watch film. Sounds simple but when 50% of the ticket price goes back to the film distributor (and in some cases a lot more), having you come back to us (and grabbing a bag of popcorn or two!) is really important.


So, keep buying tickets, keep becoming members, and keep donating so we can continue to be that cinema where things happen, beyond the reel.


Thanks for submitting!

Broadway is the trading name of Nottingham Media Centre Limited No 02315936 (registered charity No 700880) and its subsidiary Nottingham Media Centre Commercial Limited No 6372815.

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